Saturday, April 26, 2008


o'death, originally uploaded by stethomah.

drawn in ball point pen on cardboard....the scan is out of focus but it adds to the atmospheric quality...done at the 'thirst about 10 or so years ago...

Friday, April 25, 2008


ruggedgentleman, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


feralcreatureofthedeep, originally uploaded by stethomah.

blogging the creature of the library lagoon in full submerged aqua-ized color.....enjoy!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Snapshot 2008-04-20 20-17-43

Snapshot 2008-04-20 20-17-43, originally uploaded by stethomah.


knifeboytidbit#5, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Another more refined refinement for those discriminating tastes....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

various sketches#103

various sketches#103, originally uploaded by stethomah.

various sketches#101

various sketches#101, originally uploaded by stethomah.

various sketches#1

various sketches#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.


mahoneyfamilytree1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Now the 7th is on the upper left side.


mahoneyfamilytree#2, originally uploaded by stethomah.

The 7th child, sitting in grandpa Frank Joseph Mahoney's lap, is my dad Robert Hamilton Mahoney, born on September 9th(?), or 10th(??), 1914.


thefreyfamilytree#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

My mother Catherine's grandmother and grandfather and 6 of their soon-to-be-8 children. My grandmother Mary Frey, the oldest and born 70 years to the day before my wife Justine on September 7th, 1898, in the upper back row in the middle.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


knifeboy&tidbit#4, originally uploaded by stethomah.

started around 12:30 drawing 3 sketches on separate pieces of tracing paper then scanned all 3 images copied them resized them pasted and arranged them on separate layers in a corel painter essentials 2 program file drew and erased a few times added some lines added some color refined the shapes darkened lightened and made heavier the lines defining the shapes and wallah...5 hours later a reasonably well conceived full color yet still "in the rough" image from start to finish!!!!


knifeboy&tidbit#4, originally uploaded by stethomah.

started around 12:30 drawing 3 sketches on separate pieces of tracing paper then scanned all 3 images copied them resized them pasted and arranged them on separate layers in a corel painter essentials 2 program file drew and erased a few times added some lines added some color refined the shapes darkened lightened and made heavier the lines defining the shapes and wallah...5 hours later a reasonably well conceived full color yet still "in the rough" image from start to finish!!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008


warrior, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


creaturefromlibrarylagoon, originally uploaded by stethomah.

technically it was drawn not on MCL's staff day but during a monthly department meeting, the previous week!!!!


StaffdayRussianCulture, originally uploaded by stethomah.

drawn during the russian culture class portion of staff day(no, it was an interesting class, I just had an itch to draw...

you would not like me when I'm angry...

youwouldnotlikemewhe#2511BA, originally uploaded by stethomah.

MCL Staff day 2008 drawings