Saturday, July 26, 2008


graces3rdbirthdaycard, originally uploaded by stethomah.

a birthday card drawn for a friends little girl grace...we'll see if it's a hit tonight during her birthday party!

Friday, July 25, 2008


the_frog_man, originally uploaded by stethomah.


havin' a moment,
derin' a long spell,
innah meetin'
wit' th' clerky werks in circy-lation!!!!

waitin' at th' MA desk...

waitin' at th' MA desk..., originally uploaded by stethomah.

waitin' at th' MA desk...

any similarities to actual library patrons is simply coincidental, or, due to my 17.5 years of experience its every single patrons face in a composite and divided by 3 'cause 3 is a magic number!!!!


the_frog_man, originally uploaded by stethomah.

havin' a moment, derin' a long spell, innah meetin' wit' th' clerky werks in circy-lation!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sweet randomness, batman!!!01

sweet randomness, batman!!!01, originally uploaded by stethomah.

sweet randomness, batman!!!

sweet randomness, batman!!!, originally uploaded by stethomah.

I swear, the cougar that ate my shoes was up to here with big fangs and ferocious claws, or was it ferocious fangs and big claws.....whatever...

Friday, July 11, 2008


dudemanwalking#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

When you are itchin' to sketch but are only on the bus for 10-15 blocks I was forced to use simple lines and simplicity in idea for dynamic exaggerated effect....'cause I love th' cartoon thang!!! I think I love being under pressure!!!(?)


customerservicemeltdown#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

done while waiting for calls imagining myself turning into Benjamin Grimm complete with stogie....ITS CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!!


beakybuzzard(afterclampett), originally uploaded by stethomah.