Tuesday, September 09, 2008


knifeboyandtidbit3.0, originally uploaded by stethomah.


rediscovering an older version of a sketch long stored away but not forgotten, seen with fresh albeit tired eyes does it reveal something new or just a shrug of the shoulders???

I heard all that shrugging!!!

well, I never....

Sunday, September 07, 2008

all riled up sketch the very first and in some ways the best sketch!

allriledup-sketch#1-1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

the first and in my opinion best sketch done for Knifeboy and his partner in crime the Tidbit!!!

my sweeties 40th birthday card

my sweeties 40th birthday card, originally uploaded by stethomah.

my sweeties 40th birthday card

Justine turned 40 today September 7th at 5:50 a.m. and I got the itchin' to work on a sketch for her birthday card