lets briefly break apart my blog title to see if it makes any sense
Collective consciousness or collective conscience are the shared beliefs and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.[1] The terms were used by the French social theorist Émile Durkheim (1858-1917). He used the terms in his books The Division of Labour (1893), The Rules of Sociological Method (1895), Suicide (1897), and The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912). (source: wikipedia.org)
for Carl Jung:
The collective unconscious refers to that part of a person's unconscious which is common to all human beings. It contains archetypes, which are forms or symbols that are manifested by all people in all cultures.
Thats where the pick-up line "Whats your sign?" comes from....I knew it! Yeah, thats a groner!
now for the con part, or confidence trick:
The grade of one's "intelligence" is totally unrelated to one's grade of vulnerability to getting deceived by experienced con men. Confidence tricks exploit human weaknesses like greed, dishonesty, vanity, but also virtues like honesty, compassion, or the "naïveté" of believing in the existence of something called "good faith".
Now that I have prefaced this post, I will leave the rest alone.
In the 1,512 days of madness which have followed for the numerous hundreds of thousands of military and civilian
people in Iraq (Iraqis and non-Iraqis) And the claims that were made to justify the invasion, or "liberation" as it was phrased by many a "patriot" in the past 3 years, and nearing 2 months, all seem like bad, transparent propaganda. Bernays would be turning in his grave to hear such nonsense uttered....seriously!!!!
Of course I list all of this info on the assumption that it is all correct, up to date, etc.
Iraqi civilian dead(reproted number(31,617)
Iraqi military/police dead(6,763)
Total U.S. military dead (3,384) total coalition dead(3,657) or 2.42 a day.
50,512 U.S. non mortal casualties(wounded and medical air transport required).
121 journalists killed of all nationalities (it may not be a complete list)
398 contractors killed (it says it is a partial list)
source: http://icasualties.org/oif/default.aspx
Anyway, this is only being pointed out at this time because of the absolutely ridiculous reasons the MPAA gave a filmmaker for giving his film, a documentary told by the soldiers who serve in Iraq a NC-17 rating. Gunner Palace is the name of the film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0424129/
It says in the trivia page that:
The word "fuck" is used 42 times, the most ever used in a PG-13 rated film
Under normal circumstances more than one use of the word "fuck" would get a film an R-rating. In this instance, the MPAA reasoned that a person old enough to be recruited by the army should be allowed to view a documentary on actual army life. However the rating also carried the notice that it was awarded on appeal to provide a better cautionary warning to parents concerned about what their children are viewing.
You cannot say the slang word referring to coitus more than once, but you can have the perversity displayed in the Abu Ghraib prison , which as far as anyone can tell, really happened, shown on the news, yet has anyone seen one U.S. soldier out of the possible 3,384 soldiers arrive home to their parents in a coffin???
You can depict the violence of shooting multiple people without showing the resulting outcome of such an act and just barely get an R rating but show some realism (blood, guts, death)connected to that act of violence and then if its a current event it will be uncensored but if its a film which shows this having an overall tone of criticism of our government, or show some female crotch hair or a penis and or a pelvic thrust or 2, and oh boy......NC-17!!!!!
What kind of absolute censorship nonsence is this?
"This film has not yet been rated" was great at uncovering the media control which 6 conglomerates and a former aid to Lyndon johnson(Valenti) had over each and every film, not to mention the added "morality" of two churches and the Pentagon. What an eye-opener this film was!!! Oh, and I just noticed that poor old Jack Valenti up and died. Oh well. Sad.
With the power and influence that the film as an artform and as an industry has on our culture it puts Valenti up there with the big boys like Edward Louis Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995) nephew of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, was considered the father of the field of public relations. Bernays was one of the first to attempt to manipulate public opinion using the psychology of the subconscious. He felt this manipulation was necessary in society, which he felt was irrational and dangerous. Bernays served as the first spin doctor under Woodrow Wilson. His book Propaganda, published in 1928( a good read too, and still available through ILL while supplies last, cause I am sure some untrusting folk would love to collect and burn all the remaining copies of- when Bernays was 37, he was more than happy to teach anyone willing to listen the building blocks of this new tool he had fashioned. Now no one is saying that history repeats itself or that it is cyclical a)Hitler, or b)Nero hadn't already blamed the burning of the a)government building or b)Rome on "terrorists" or c)some other guy in currnt events saying it was terrorists who did the World trade center twin towers on September 11, 2001, which was exactly 28 years after September 11, 1973 where Kissanger, or maybe someone just looking and sounding like Kissenger, "supposedly" carried out "someones" orders to stage a Coup, overthrowing Allendes government in Chile. What??? no one remembers this? Yeah, either do I; but thanks to libraries and intellectual freedom, now I know at least the outline of things. Or maybe that was all just a bad dream. Yes, the sun will come out tomarrow, bet your bottom dollar(which in my case, I would have to borrow)come what may, oh yeah it is May....right!