Friday, December 12, 2008


maninthefieldblues, originally uploaded by stethomah.

sketchin today listening to missippi john hurt son house elmore james eric clapton and the bluesbreakers and ten years after and howlin' wolf ....kinda happy with it...the hands kinda do this push n pull one in front of the other and kinda jump off the page...and I actually bothered to do a background thats fairly decent...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Finally, a new post (with text, even!)

Well, who knows how long it has been since my last posting, has it been weeks? months? close to a year since I have written anything worth reading? But thanks to the regular posting of a friend of ours, Laurel and the brand new blog of my wife Justine, I am finally compelled to pay attention to this blog thingy again.

Well lets see what has happened since I last checked into my web diary. 1. My mother in law, Laura Glicken, after a highly spirited struggle against cancer passed on. This was almost 2 months ago now.
2. We now believe that our son Julian has a mild case of Asperger's Syndrome, which is something I have to look up to figure out just what in the hell that means!
3.Justine is into her 3rd or 4th week and doing very well on a anti-inflammation diet, and her sugar cravings are seemingly resolved!!!
And me? Well I am counting down the days that Dubya is leaving the oval office which I believe is now 71( or is it 70???), and being ecstatic with the election results including Barack Hussein Obama winning the election of president, and even though the sub-prime crisis has sent the economy into downward spiral mode I am still (knock on wood) with a secure full time job with sweet health care and I am vested.
I have a beautiful roof above my head. Money is tight but its coming in. Our car died - a hole in the radiator for who knows how long but for 200 clams you can see if the engine is worth fixing- are you serious? But miraculously, Justine's old reliable Honda is still running smoothly and gets better gas mileage and unlike risky used cars is a pretty inexpensive sure thing.
And, after losing my annual bus pass in mid-January which brought me to have to endure 10 walks to and from work each and every week for 7 and a half months, I did finally get it replaced with a new pass and a not so bad photo.
I guess my artwork or some version of it appears in the latest "Knifeboy and Tidbit" cd by Brad Rapp and Dennis Elmer. Oh and on top of everything else George Carlin died on June 22nd of this year, shorty after it was announced that he wold receive the Mark Twain honors doohickey at the Kennedy Center Of course I can get into way more detail on all of these subjects but this is the basic outline of what is going on in Mahoneyland.

Monday, October 06, 2008


deamondude#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

sitting doodling on my corel painter and graphire listening to 'Priest's "Screaming For Vengence"...whew!

having a maylox moment...

IMG_1168, originally uploaded by justinelight.

my wife Justine my bro in law Matthew the brand spankin' new groom and maker of that awesome documentary "Girls Rock!" Arne Johnson and his equally serious(too silly) party member brother Dino Johnson.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


knifeboyandtidbit3.0, originally uploaded by stethomah.


rediscovering an older version of a sketch long stored away but not forgotten, seen with fresh albeit tired eyes does it reveal something new or just a shrug of the shoulders???

I heard all that shrugging!!!

well, I never....

Sunday, September 07, 2008

all riled up sketch the very first and in some ways the best sketch!

allriledup-sketch#1-1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

the first and in my opinion best sketch done for Knifeboy and his partner in crime the Tidbit!!!

my sweeties 40th birthday card

my sweeties 40th birthday card, originally uploaded by stethomah.

my sweeties 40th birthday card

Justine turned 40 today September 7th at 5:50 a.m. and I got the itchin' to work on a sketch for her birthday card

Saturday, August 16, 2008


goofyidol, originally uploaded by stethomah.

not the most focused shot and even correcting with sharpness and color enhancement does not give it the best representation of a quick sketch done almost literally automatically as me and Julian sat down to draw with his new crayons in the sweltering stuffy heat of an 81 degree house in 101 degree outside temperature...

Saturday, July 26, 2008


graces3rdbirthdaycard, originally uploaded by stethomah.

a birthday card drawn for a friends little girl grace...we'll see if it's a hit tonight during her birthday party!

Friday, July 25, 2008


the_frog_man, originally uploaded by stethomah.


havin' a moment,
derin' a long spell,
innah meetin'
wit' th' clerky werks in circy-lation!!!!

waitin' at th' MA desk...

waitin' at th' MA desk..., originally uploaded by stethomah.

waitin' at th' MA desk...

any similarities to actual library patrons is simply coincidental, or, due to my 17.5 years of experience its every single patrons face in a composite and divided by 3 'cause 3 is a magic number!!!!


the_frog_man, originally uploaded by stethomah.

havin' a moment, derin' a long spell, innah meetin' wit' th' clerky werks in circy-lation!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sweet randomness, batman!!!01

sweet randomness, batman!!!01, originally uploaded by stethomah.

sweet randomness, batman!!!

sweet randomness, batman!!!, originally uploaded by stethomah.

I swear, the cougar that ate my shoes was up to here with big fangs and ferocious claws, or was it ferocious fangs and big claws.....whatever...

Friday, July 11, 2008


dudemanwalking#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

When you are itchin' to sketch but are only on the bus for 10-15 blocks I was forced to use simple lines and simplicity in idea for dynamic exaggerated effect....'cause I love th' cartoon thang!!! I think I love being under pressure!!!(?)


customerservicemeltdown#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

done while waiting for calls imagining myself turning into Benjamin Grimm complete with stogie....ITS CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!!


beakybuzzard(afterclampett), originally uploaded by stethomah.

Friday, June 27, 2008


superduck!!!(IPP), originally uploaded by stethomah.

Super Duck wants to help you with your I.P.P.!!!


R.G.M.=roboguitarman!!!, originally uploaded by stethomah.


robots rock'n'roll extra extending didgits and independant roaming eyes......what more could one want???

damned re-hashing ov#2BA623

damned re-hashing ov#2BA623, originally uploaded by stethomah.

he ninety-first minute of a 90 minute meeting........stop asking questions, its sunny outside.....SHEESH!!!!

Monday, June 02, 2008

demonbird with talons even!

demonbird with talons even!, originally uploaded by stethomah.

a crazy drawing that was done while waiting for calls at work...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Julian birthday images and what he said this morning...

"I'm a bag ....I'm a bag, put something in me!!!
Give bags to the you go Mama!!!
uh oh, I broke!!!"
"I'm a smooshy bag
you can put stuff in me, but not in the yoke!!!!
I'm a broken bag forever!!!
now you can put stuff in again"
he likes the book "Smash Crash there goes the Trash"

Friday, May 16, 2008

'at'sa nice, eh?

'at'sa nice, eh?, originally uploaded by stethomah.

my own personal take on Ronald Serle's beautiful crazy illustrations just missing that fantastic line quality that he gets from his fine quill ink pen!!!


givehimahand, originally uploaded by stethomah.

my mom

my mom, originally uploaded by stethomah.


takingabow, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Friday, May 02, 2008


howtofaceabstractsquiggle, originally uploaded by stethomah.

think I figured out how the great cartoonists did it they let it flow in total free automatic drawing which was just slightly enhanced to realize what they saw in the abyss of different weighted squiggly lines!!!! am I onto someething, or just a wascawy wabbitt???

victor bilfinn

victor bilfinn, originally uploaded by stethomah.

a quick one before bed can also mean a quick sketch!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


o'death, originally uploaded by stethomah.

drawn in ball point pen on cardboard....the scan is out of focus but it adds to the atmospheric quality...done at the 'thirst about 10 or so years ago...

Friday, April 25, 2008


ruggedgentleman, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


feralcreatureofthedeep, originally uploaded by stethomah.

blogging the creature of the library lagoon in full submerged aqua-ized color.....enjoy!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Snapshot 2008-04-20 20-17-43

Snapshot 2008-04-20 20-17-43, originally uploaded by stethomah.


knifeboytidbit#5, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Another more refined refinement for those discriminating tastes....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

various sketches#103

various sketches#103, originally uploaded by stethomah.

various sketches#101

various sketches#101, originally uploaded by stethomah.

various sketches#1

various sketches#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.


mahoneyfamilytree1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Now the 7th is on the upper left side.


mahoneyfamilytree#2, originally uploaded by stethomah.

The 7th child, sitting in grandpa Frank Joseph Mahoney's lap, is my dad Robert Hamilton Mahoney, born on September 9th(?), or 10th(??), 1914.


thefreyfamilytree#1, originally uploaded by stethomah.

My mother Catherine's grandmother and grandfather and 6 of their soon-to-be-8 children. My grandmother Mary Frey, the oldest and born 70 years to the day before my wife Justine on September 7th, 1898, in the upper back row in the middle.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


knifeboy&tidbit#4, originally uploaded by stethomah.

started around 12:30 drawing 3 sketches on separate pieces of tracing paper then scanned all 3 images copied them resized them pasted and arranged them on separate layers in a corel painter essentials 2 program file drew and erased a few times added some lines added some color refined the shapes darkened lightened and made heavier the lines defining the shapes and wallah...5 hours later a reasonably well conceived full color yet still "in the rough" image from start to finish!!!!


knifeboy&tidbit#4, originally uploaded by stethomah.

started around 12:30 drawing 3 sketches on separate pieces of tracing paper then scanned all 3 images copied them resized them pasted and arranged them on separate layers in a corel painter essentials 2 program file drew and erased a few times added some lines added some color refined the shapes darkened lightened and made heavier the lines defining the shapes and wallah...5 hours later a reasonably well conceived full color yet still "in the rough" image from start to finish!!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008


warrior, originally uploaded by stethomah.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


creaturefromlibrarylagoon, originally uploaded by stethomah.

technically it was drawn not on MCL's staff day but during a monthly department meeting, the previous week!!!!


StaffdayRussianCulture, originally uploaded by stethomah.

drawn during the russian culture class portion of staff day(no, it was an interesting class, I just had an itch to draw...

you would not like me when I'm angry...

youwouldnotlikemewhe#2511BA, originally uploaded by stethomah.

MCL Staff day 2008 drawings

Friday, March 21, 2008

look ma, i'm not tongue tied!

look ma, i'm not tongue tied!, originally uploaded by stethomah.

an unexpectedly well composed photo of....well...of Julian sticking his tongue out!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Julian 3/14/08#5

Julian 3/14/08#5, originally uploaded by stethomah.

and here is the last one worth sharing!